Art. Sci. Out.

Edli, a NatureLab, is a community education center for all. We inspire engagement through the limitless patterns, structures, and processes found in the natural world.

A Nature Lab

Located in Takoma Park, Edli's NatureLab is a STE(A)M-based education center. We believe in a STE(A)M powered world, and we are busy integrating arts with science, technology, engineering, and math. Our goal is to encourage exploration of the natural world with drawing, observing, measuring, building, connecting, and making.

Questions? Come to an OpenLab!


Regular price $ 0.00

Upcoming Events

  1. May 27

    Memorial day TNL closed
  2. Jun 13

    last day of school MCPS
  3. Jun 17

    Last day of school DCPS
  4. Jun 17-21

    EAT Food Week Main hall and Studio 2.0
  5. Jun 24-28

    South America (With RODA) Main hall
  6. Jun 24-28

    Mapped Studio 2.0